June 9, 2009


Enjoy a sampling of photos from a mini-session in Jacksonville, Oregon. We took these photos at the Jacksonville Museum. You will probably recognize the Justines from photos on my website. They switched it up; last time they wore shades of pink and this time, as you see, they're wearing blue. The museum was once the local courthouse in the 1800s. The interesting architecture and green surroundings made for a different look than I'm used to shooting in Arizona. The buttercups are everywhere here.

And yes...bribery was used to motivate the three-year-old.

Mini-sessions are a great, economical way to take a few photos and get a DVD of the images for your own personal use. They can also be a good way to periodically update your online photographs without spending too much money or time. Contact Willow Paule Photography at 480.274.0295 if you want more info.